Sujok Treatment
The human body is a form of life which is a tiny and well harmonized Universe. For this reason, the body has everything needed to maintain its life and to exist in Nature as an integral and independent phenomenon.
Originally, the word Sujok is a combination of two words:“Su” means a hand and “Jok” means a foot.It was invented by Prof. Park Jae Woo of South Korea who was a philosopher, scientist and spiritualist. He observed that there is a close structural similarity of “Hand” (Su) and “Foot” (Jok) with the human body.He discovered that our hands and feet carry information of the body in strict anatomical order, reflecting the structure of the human body in miniature form on hands and feet. Because of this close resemblance and similarity to the body, our hands and feet can be used most logically, conveniently and effectively as remote controls to restore health, prevention and treatment of diseases of various origin and pathologies.
Sujok therapy is a completely drugless method of treatment, is highly effective andcompletely safe to use.In Sujok, different treatment modalities are used to achieve rapid relief from various health problems.
Seeds give life to plants and plants are also full of vital life force. This provides evidence that energy of huge power is present in them in a latent form. Constant exchange of this latent energy with the environment takes place through the mechanism of energy respiration, owing to which the seed, as a source of life, can improve health of other living organisms. This method of health regulation is natural and simple in use and is quitepopular because of its high effectiveness. Positive changes in illness take place on application of seeds to painful points of the body. Treatment effect is caused by the biological waves, radiated during the vital activity of seeds, which stimulate the active points, fill them with the energy of life and at the same time absorb their pathogenic energy. Different kinds of seeds are used in treatment based on their shape, size, color and medicinal properties. For example, to help with eye diseases – round shaped seeds like black pepper; for kidney disease – seeds of kidney beans; for cardiac diseases – seeds of guelder or buckwheat; for pancreas – grape seeds; and for the diseases of the brain – walnut can be used.
Stimulation through Acupressure, Magnets and Micro Needles
It is one of most widely used methods in Sujok Therapy. In this method, thorough stimulation is given on the selected correspondence pointswith the help of a diagnostic stick/probe, fingers or electric vibromassager etc. to produce a therapeutic influence. After that small magnets or needles are applied on these points.
Various types of Small Magnets (Round Magnets, Bar Magnets, Star Magnets, Ring Magnets, etc.) are used for treatment on the points corresponding to the diseased organ/part of the body in hands and feet. Magnets arealso used to restore harmony of the energy system of the body to treat the diseases caused by the disturbance of energy systems. This is painless method of treatment and is widely used in Sujok Ki treatment systems.
Apart from magnets, Small Needles called Microneedles are applied on the treatment points in hands/feet with the purpose of generating curating waves from a correspondence point or for changing the state of energies in the body to restore harmony. This method is used according to advance Zone, Meridian, Chakra Energy systems of Sujok such as Six ki, Triorigin and Diamond Energy Systems, etc.
Colors and Light Impulse Device
Colors are known to exert great influence on human health, be it physical, emotional or mental. Each color has its own particular wavelength and close connection with the energies of Five Elements (Green – Wood Element; Red – Fire Element; Yellow – Earth Element; Brown – Metal Element; Blue – Water Element) or Six Energies (Green – Wind Energy; Red – Heat Energy;Orange – Hotness Energy; Yellow – Humidity Energy; Brown – Dryness Energy; Blue – Coldness Energy). Thus colors have an important role in curing diseases of varied nature and balance the energies as well as humours (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) in the human body.
Light is the fastest known phenomenon in this universe. It has great utility in treatment including modern medicine. Special Light Impulse Device with different colored light diodes is used in Sujok therapy to stimulate the treatment points as well as to treat by energy systems like Six ki, Chakra System, Triorigin, etc. to cure variety of diseases. The device has three operation modes:
Mode I – Pulse Frequency 1 Hz (Used for Tonification)
Mode II – Pulse Frequency 5 Hz (Used for Harmonization)
Mode III – Pulse Frequency 20 Hz (Used for Sedation)
“Moxibustion places obstacles in the way of diseases,
stands on guard at the doors of the solid and hollow organs,
engenders warmth, clears memory, cures many diseases that do not yield to other treatment…” Gyud-shi
Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy in which dried leafy materialof mugwort plant is burnt close to the surface of the skin to warm the treatment points to generate curative effect. Two species of mugwort plant are commonly used in treatment namely Common Wormwood (Artemesia vulgaris) and Grand Wormwood (Artemesiaabsinthium). The leaves of these plants are dried and processed into fiber and then given different shapes like cones, cigars and mini moxa.
The main effects of moxibustion are:
- It activates Yang energy
- Dissipates (removes) pathological agents (first of all, Coldness and Dampness)
- Supports the Centre and Pre-Heaven Qi (non-renewable energy received from parents)
- Strengthens and replenishes Zheng Qi-true energy (it is a purified and transformed kind of energy that circulates in the channels and nourishes the organs)
These effects help in the intensification of the flow of Qi; elimination of energy stagnation and counterflow resulting from disease; pain relief; prolongation of life; strengthening of health; anddischarge of toxins.
wist Therapy/ Sam Won Gong/Sam Won Dong
Disease of any organ/system is usually caused because of its disturbance in its energy system. Twist therapy is a unique and effective way to fix the disorder in the energy system. It is an independent method of treatment using twist motions/positions to treat any disease. It can also be used successfully as correspondence twist to create treatment effectiveness by twisting the part of hand corresponding to the area of the disease in the body.The philosophy of twist therapy is to achieve perfection in all four areas of being; perfection at physical body level, metaphysical mind level, fundamental soul level and the real life level. It is performed with Smile Spirit because Smile is the essence of the Existence Spirit and the perfection itself.
Some of the most common benefits of twist therapy are:
- It harmonizes and rejuvenates body, mind and soul.
- One can feel and channelize the energy of the body.
- It helps to keep healthy and fit and controls weight.
- It improves body balance and flexibility, builds up strength.
- It helps to treat physical, mental and emotional problems.
- It relieves stress.
- It provides ability to control energies by consciousness.
- It promotes deeper mediation to achieve real self-perfection.